Setting Up Mapview for Salesforce
After you install the Mapview for Salesforce package and set up the necessary permissions, you can access the Mapview admin screens. This document will go over the two admin screens: Metadata Mapping and App Settings.
Accessing the Admin Screens
**In order to access Mapview admin screens, a user permission must be set upon installation. To learn more about user permissions please read our installation guide.
- Login to your Salesforce account and click the drop down in the top right corner.
- Choose ‘Mapview’ from the drop down menu.
- You will now see the two admin screens as tabs in your Salesforce org.
App Settings Tab
App settings allows admins to set log permissions for users. Admins can turn automatic logging of notes, emails, calls and events on or off.
Metadata Mapping
Metadata mapping is an important step in customizing Mapview to meet the needs of your organization. Correctly configuring the metadata mapping allows for the geo-location of your custom and standard objects in Mapview.
Getting Started with Mapping
By default, all standard objects (accounts, contacts, leads and opportunities) will be pre-configured. You can edit/delete these configurations by clicking ‘Edit’ or ‘Del’. You can also create a new mapping of an object by clicking ‘New’.
After clicking ‘New’, you will be asked to choose an object to be mapped. The objects from the list are pulled from the objects set up in your Salesforce org.
Once you select an object to be mapped, the rest of the set-up screen will appear.
Step 1: Setting the Object Description
The object description associates custom fields and map pins to display in Mapview for Salesforce. The four fields to set up are: Primary Desc., Secondary Desc., Is This a Name Field, and PIN Description.
Below is a description of each field's function:
Primary Desc. Field: is treated like the name of an object. You will see the primary description when you click on a map pin, when you open the contact list view or contacts details window in Mapview.
Secondary Desc. Field: can be any field you want to see related to an object. For example, by default we have pre-configured the lead objects to have a primary desc. of ‘First Name, Last Name’ and secondary desc. of ‘Company Name’. The secondary desc. is visible in the contacts details window and the contact list view.
Is This a Name Field: check ‘Is This a Name Field’ to use first and last names.
PIN Description: choose from a list of pins to assign to an object. *Standard objects will be automatically assigned a Salesforce pin.
Step 2: Mapping an Object
After you set the Object Description, you will then need to set how you want to map the object. There are two ways to map an object: Map by Address or Map by Geo-location. You need to set a least one location, but you can have multiple addresses for one object, such as shipping and billing.
Map by Address
Map by address allows you to map an object using address fields in Salesforce. The first thing you will want to do is set the ‘Address Label’. The ‘Address Label’ field is used by Mapview to differentiate addresses in the contact details window of the app.
Next, choose the address fields you want to use to map the object and click ‘Add’. Make sure to select appropriate corresponding fields or the geo-coding in Mapview may not be accurate.
Now, you will see all the added addresses in a list view where you can edit or delete them.
Map by GeoLocation
Map by GeoLocation allows you to map objects that may only have a latitude and longitude instead of an address. Set the address label, choose the appropriate fields and click add, as above.
Step 3: Fields Selection List
After you set the object mapping, the next section is selecting the fields to be show in the contacts details window of the app. Fields added through the mapping process will be highlighted because they are necessary for the geo-coding. Select any other field you want to view in the contact details by checking on/off the boxes.
To learn more about the rest of our features: please visit or contact us here with any special questions or comments.
Thanks for using Mapview!