When data is imported into Mapview, it can be viewed in a list by going to the main menu and tapping 'List By Name'. There are four different types of list views: All, Filtered, Mapview and Circle. Each helps you organize and access specific information.
‘All’ view displays all contacts imported into Mapview in a list view. Search the list view to access specific information quickly.
‘Filtered’ displays contacts that meet the filtering criteria set in the groups menu. For example, if you have all groups turned off except ‘Opportunity: 100k+’, you would only see contacts from that group listed in the ‘Filtered’ menu.
Mapview displays all contacts in the viewable map area by distance and direction from the map center to facilitate more efficient planning.
Circle view displays all contacts within a radius by distance and direction from the circle center. Set the circle radius by pinching and zooming the map.
**Note: If contacts in your listview are shown in red it signifies that there is no mappable location associated with the contact or that you have reached your plan limits and the contact cannot be mapped. Please check this troubleshooting guide if all of your contacts are in red and they have locations.