If your addresses are listed but are showing in red, this means that Mapview has not been able to geocode the results of your import. This can be due to a few factors, please try the following to:
1. The app needs connectivity to be able to geocode your contacts. In case you did not have a strong connection when your imported your contacts, the app will attempt to geocode any unmapped addresses upon launch. Please “kill” the app (double tap home button on your device, swipe Mapvew off the screen) and re-launch Mapview.
2. Sometimes addresses are not complete (i.e missing zip codes or country) and Mapview will not map them because they are not precise. However, Mapview will map the approximate geo-code if you go to 'Settings' and tap 'Accept approximate geo-code results.'
3. You may have reached your plan’s mapping limits. To check this, please tap the information icon next to your username at the top of the main menu. Then tap the information icon next to your service plan. Here you will see your usage and information about your subscription.
If you do not see any contacts listed in Mapview read this article.